With great consumer data comes great responsibility, and the protection of this data has always been a top priority at Seawave Media. As a provider of fully compliant data, we’ve found it interesting to watch the development of data protection as more and more businesses and authorities have come to acknowledge its importance.
The latest move? The EU’s decision to pass the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in 2018. Among the changes in this new set of regulations will be:

  • A move to ensure staff are always trained on data handling
  • Increased co-ordination with regulators
  • Improved understanding from both staff and businesses on data processing risks
    an ongoing drive to ensure regulatory compliance at all stages

Delivering this heightened level of protection will demand a huge increase in manpower. A report published recently (20 April) by the International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP) asserted that the EU’s update to the data collection and processing requirements will need an extra 28,000 new data protection officers.
As leading UK list brokers and consumer data providers, the changes will be important for Seawave Media, and they’re something that we are already preparing for to make sure we stay one step ahead of the new regulatory requirements. Businesses like ours will be the ones in the spotlight when the changes do come in with reports noting that the law will apply to businesses that require “regular and systematic monitoring of data subjects on a large scale”.
The move towards greater monitoring and control of data is vital in our increasingly connected world. Incredible amounts of consumer data are available, from home owner data to debt management data, all of which is of huge value to companies looking at direct marketing. But the more there is, the more careful we need to be in its handling.